Friday, March 20, 2015

Why Should You Choose The Best AVR ISP Programmer?

ISP programmer or In System Programmable microcontrollers are the best choice for those operations that do not require you to use a socket programmer. However if you don’t own then you must look forward to acquire the best one. However you need to consider a few features to choose the best one that can meet all your demands. The AVR ISP programmer is highly useful in both production area and in development sector and is open to be used in various versions based the firm’s usage pattern and can even hike the level of production. 

pic programmer
Field upgrades

One of the major advantages of the pic programmer is that it lets you to think about the options like field upgrades. This would help you to fall from the trap of products that cannot be upgraded. This is mainly because the ICSP of this device is electronically designed and includes the format of ICSP connector. However it is important for you to know the format of the connector to gain an insight about the same. The development boards of the microchips generally use the RJ11 connector as a default function and this is rather a bad choice for production purposes. 

How to choose?

Even if you take the pains to spot the connector of the device it would have a big footprint. Hence it is important for you to choose the PIC programmers that arrive with flying leads with 6 ways and have a standard 6X1 connection. This helps it to connect the fly leads of the programmer easily or replace the shroud easily as it already has well defined pin order. 

As the AVR ISP Programmer is low in cost and is easy to use, it can be used in startups and small scale units of production.

Why Should You Use Handheld Programmer For Production?

Generally standard programmers such as AVRISP MKII, PIC kit 2 and IDC 3 that are apt for development are apparently very weak while you try to expand your production, develop your product or update any firmware that you utilize for production process. This can be a grave situation as your production team might have to put up with the software that is complex to use like the AVR Studio or MPLAB or use a GUI standard programmer.
handheld programmeruniversal programmer
Easy to use

Such a situation might even demand you to offer extensive training for your staff while being open to various other issues which would need your supervisor to intervene and sort out those issues. However if you wish to stay away from such bothering issues which can even interfere with your production process then the best way is to use a handheld programmer. This device is bestowed with the right code and features data EEPROM, program settings, configuration bytes etc. Once it is loaded, your staff just needs to plus in and hit the big button for the LED light in green to blink. Some versions of this programmer can also store 8 programs which can e chosen easily with a simple switch of rotary type. 

Why is it useful?

If you have an offsite production area then this programmer is an effective choice. You just have to load it and send it to the factory at another location as it is free from all hassles and issues. The hand held universal programmer is ideal for production engineer as it has a simple operation and is updated based on the area of its operation. This device can simplify the process as it enables you to pass it to agents and distributors or to the site engineer as it helps them to stay abreast of all production activities.