When we talk about the AVR development
boards, we usually talk about other technical support tools and
wireless application protocols. They were built for the wireless
communication; so, it is a set of communication protocols for the
wireless devices. It was designed by considering and solving the
restrictions of wireless connections and mobile devices.

The AVR dragon
is used in the AVR microcontroller development. The wireless
application protocol is important to everyone; to the wireless device
users, developers, device manufacturers as well as service providers.
All of them get different types of advantages. Let us see how they
benefit from it.
It is like a gift to developers as it helps them to
develop apps with more features and the ones that can work across
several devices and browsers as well as gateways and networks. Also, it
increases the value of app for the end users. In addition to that, it
lets developers to incorporate the security features easily.
It benefits the WAP devices manufactures because they
can use WAP supporting operating system and micro browsers to the
devices which enhances their value and the manufacturers are assured
that micro browsers and the operating system will across several
gateways and networks.
It will benefit the service providers because they
can encourage their customers to buy these WAP devices by displaying
its content on their own website. In addition to that, it benefits the
most to the end users as they can access any web content. They can
access the content as well as services that the network operator
offers. As it is secured, the end users can use it to do the safe
transactions over the network.
Now that you know about the benefits of the wireless application protocols, you should also research about the AVR ISP software and the entire training kit. Good luck with that!